Abdominal Pain
A surprisingly common complaint. If the GP or hospital consultant has not found any cause for the pain and the ultrasound scan/other tests are negative, then the pain is likely to be referred from elsewhere. Chiropractors will check the various causes of referred pain and then advise or treat accordingly.
Hip Pain
Lots of causes... The patient’s age is often an important factor in the diagnosis... eg. malformations from birth, slipped epiphysis, Perthe’s disease, osteoarthrosis, bursitis, referred pain from the spine or elsewhere... the list is long. Consulting a chiropractor for an accurate diagnosis helps prevent prolonged, inappropriate treatment. Accurate diagnosis ensures correct treatment, giving fast effective relief of symptoms. For example bursitis responds best to an injection but severe osteoarthrosis requires an orthopaedic surgeon’s opinion on a possible operation. Many other common hip pains can respond very well to chiropractic treatment. Diagnosis is the key... If in doubt always email or telephone for advice.
Groin Pain
This is an incredibly common symptom. Many problems cause groin pain - including local injuries as well as referred pain from the spine, hips and other structures. Local problems such as hernias obviously need specialist surgical advice at the hospital. The majority of groin pains are fortunately referred from elsewhere. A recent survey found that every fifth patient consulting us (20%) did so because they were suffering from groin pain! Treatment must be very specific to the underlying problem... hence, as always, accurate diagnosis is the key, followed by the correct treatment... resulting in fast effective relief of symptoms. After the diagnosis is made. the chiropractor will advise on which treatment would be ideal for your individual problem. Also see Coccydynia, Perineal pain, Post-partum pain, Symphysis pubis dysplasia and unexplained Gynaecological pains.
Perineal Pain
Pains in the region of the anus, vagina or testicles. In a neurological sense, this is a very complicated area of the body. Dr Scott Middleton has seen well over a thousand patients with pains, irritation, numbness, and altered sensations in this region. The pains can be in any of the following regions: vagina; labia; anus; rectum; testicle; scrotum; penis; coccyx; etc. Please telephone or email Scott to discuss your individual problem. see Groin pain, Gynaecological pain, Post-partum pain and Symphysis pubis dysplasia.
Enuresis (Bedwetting)
Many children are brought to Scott for this distressing problem. It can be a 24/7 bladder problem or a problem exclusively at night time in bed - ‘nocturnal enuresis’. Every parent knows how much this condition affects the whole family There have been, as yet, no RCT’s (Randomised Clinical Trials) that have tested the effectiveness of his approach to this condition. However, in-house, he have had some excellent results treating children and teenagers who have had problems with bladder control. The condition is undoubtedly multi-factorial and each youngster has to be assessed individually. Parents can bring the child to Scott for a consultation and discussion on the whether his approach might be of benefit. He often uses a mixture of techniques including advice on medication; night alarms; chiropractic; and psychology. In addition to consulting in his clinics, Scott has travelled internationally to advise and treat children and teenagers suffering with enuresis. He both designed the protocol and is the treating consultant for an eight year case series research trial on enuresis. NB. All children with this condition are treated free of charge.
Gynaecological pain
If the GP or gynaecologist has confirmed that there is no obvious internal medical problem, but the pain remains, then that is the time to consult Scott Middleton. Patients who consult him, complain of unexplained pain, numbness or paraesthesia (altered sensation) in the vagina or region around the vagina. Please email or phone to discuss your individual problem.
Also see Groin pain, Perineal pain, Post-partum pain and Symphysis pubis dysplasia.
NB. We do not treat any gynaecological pathology or diseases, eg Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO); endometriosis; infections; prolapses; etc.
Symphysis pubis dysplasia
One of the most common post-partum complaints. Statistics show that more and more ladies consult us with this painful condition each year. Also see Gynaecological pain, Post-partum pain, Perineal pain, Groin pain.
Post-partum Pain
We regularly check “young mums” after the trauma of childbirth to ensure that there are no musculo-skeletal problems resulting from the birth of their new baby. It is a golden opportunity to correct underlying problems as the spine and related joints are so moveable for some weeks after childbirth. A check at six weeks post-partum is ideal if there have been no obvious symptoms. But if in pain in the first six weeks, don’t delay... email or phone us immediately to discuss the problem.
Also see Gynaecological pain, Symphysis pubis dysplasia, Perineal pain and Groin pain.
For further information or to speak with a member of our team, please call 01625 531164.
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