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Sports Injuries


Our chiropractors have treated many professional sportspeople from premiership football clubs; rugby clubs; athletic, hockey, cricket, lacrosse, squash, badminton, martial arts, swimming and of course those who play sports in their spare time who suffer just as much.


We have attended international and world sporting occasions as the on-site chiropractor for the competitors and we take an active interest in understanding the pains, pressures on the player and the need for fast effective relief.


We often work with other professionals - surgeons, doctors, and physiotherapists - who also treat sports injuries. We find that in many conditions, because of the extreme demands put on the athlete’s body, a combination of treatments can be superior to just applying one approach.


Tennis & Golfers' Elbow


These pains in the elbow can be difficult, so it is rarely possible to predict the outcome of treatment. Although clinical trials on tennis elbow prove that our treatment protocol can be effective, there are as yet no trials on golfers' elbow.


Some respond spectacularly to chiropractic within a couple of treatments, but some do not respond at all. This is an example of why a patient should not have more than a few treatments unless the initial results are good. 


We are also happy liaise with top physiotherapists who treat these problems and regularly inter-refer.





For further information or to speak with a member of our team, please call 01625 531164.


Or fill in our contact form:



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